NDRDC has very influential and proactive roles for formulating, changing, implementing disability related legal provisions, and building the leadership and advocacy capacity of Disabled Peoples' Organizations (DPOs) in Nepal. It has very good networking and cooperation with different government and nongovernment stakeholders working various domains of development.
National Disabled Research and Development Center Nepal envisions a society and state where all persons with disabilities are living a quality and productive life without any barrier in an inclusive environment with full and equal realization of all human rights.
1. Effective Leadership of NDRDC and the human rights persion with disabilities
2. Promotion, protection, access to services and inclusion of persons with disabilities.
3. Protection, promotion and effective implementation of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Nepal .
4. Meaningful participation of persons with disabilities or their representatives in the process of policies and laws formation, its implementation and monitoring and all other decision making process of the state affecting to their life.
Achieving the following condition shall be the goals of NDRDC in long term.
A condition, where there is;
1. Institutional sustainability of NDRDC and its member .
2. Adequate constitutional provisions, policies, laws to address the all human rights and needs of persons with disabilities.
3. Availability and mobilization of adequate countrywide structure, mechanism and resource (human, technology, knowledge, skills, finance and information) for the effective implementation of disability related constitutional provisions, laws and policies
4. Meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in decision making process of policy formation and implementation of state from local to central level.
5. Easy access of persons with disabilities to health, education, employment/livelihood, empowerment, social participation, physical facilities, assistive devices and attendants, rehabilitation services, reasonable accommodation, including all services, facilities and opportunities connected to their special needs as their rights.
6. Sensitive and responsible government and relevant stakeholders towards the rights, issues and needs of persons with disabilities
7. Institutionalization of the Rights based Approach of Disability in community level.
General Objective:
Contribute to achieve the overall objective of inclusive development of the nation by mainstreaming disability issues in all development process and persons with disabilities in all decision making process.
Specific Objective:
1. To be instrumental to ensure the rights of persons with disability in an equal basis and ensure their access to services, opportunity and facilities without any discrimination.
2. Promote disability issues in rights based approach.
3. Introduce and include disability issues as a key agenda of development process.
Increase the level of awareness on disability in society and community, government and non-government actors and to have their active involvement for promoting the rights of persons with disabilities.
4. Increase the size of network all over the nation.
5. Strengthen the capacity of member of NDRDC in management, advocacy leadership and local resource mobilization.
6. To obtain the NDRDC organizational objectives through the maximum power decentralization and regional mobilization.
7. To increase the effectiveness and quality of NFDN programs and daily activities
Develop NDRDC as a resource centre on disability.
8. Increase the collaboration and cooperation of various national and international stakeholders to work on disability rights promotion.
9. Be instrumental for the effective implementation of existing of disability related legal framework and UNCRPD as well.
10. Bring necessary changes in the policy, laws and rules to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities in line with UNCRPD.